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Stay healthy on holiday

By Liu Zhihua | China Daily | Updated: 2014-01-22 07:18

Holidays are a time for relaxation and enjoyment, and a balanced lifestyle will help avoid overexertion during the Spring Festival, experts say.

Zhou Aiguo, a senior traditional Chinese medicine doctor from a family with seven generations of TCM specialists, says from TCM's perspective, all illnesses are reflections of the body's state of imbalance, and to have a healthy holiday, it is important to avoid overstraining the body and mind.

Another physician advises not to eat, drink or sleep too much, and it is also unwise to play too hard, or stay up late.

"During holidays, especially Spring Festival, people like to eat pricey food they seldom have in everyday life," says Zheng Ya'an, an emergency physician with Peking University Third Hospital.

"It is okay to do that for the holiday's sake, but there are risks of allergy and stomach upset if they eat and drink unreasonably."

It is also important to stay away from crowds to avoid contracting infectious respiratory diseases, such as colds, or getting involved in accidents, such as stampedes, according to Zhou Aiguo, who is also vice-director with the emergency department of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

For those with chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, they need to keep a peaceful mind, and should not engage in activities that will aggravate their conditions, such as overexertion or alcohol consumption, Zhou says.

They should also remember to take their medication and exercise, Zhou adds.

For people traveling long distances by air or rail, it is important to take regular breaks either standing up and walking once in a while, or at least move their legs now and then, to avoid getting deep vein thrombosis.

Spending too much time on tablets, smartphones and e-book readers are not healthy for the eyes and cervical spine.

It is also important to stay hydrated, Zhou says.

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