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FotoPlace CEO: Live your life in a movie

By Ruan Fan | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2015-08-12 07:16

FotoPlace CEO: Live your life in a movie

FotoPlace at the China CCG animation expo held in Shanghai, July, 2015. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Q: I can tell that you're supportive of innovation. In the previous interviews, you mentioned that you'd like to cooperate with big companies. Can you talk about some present cooperation projects and the future direction for cooperation?

Y: We have activities with some films now. We invite users to shoot some pictures about the film and share them on social networking platforms. The film producers in turn provide some information, free tickets as well as some related products. For the site search, we probably will work with the consulates of different countries. They would like to promote domestic tourism through films. So hopefully we can cooperate with them. What's more, the development of better stickers on the postcard mode of our app can also lead to cooperation with many intellectual properties.

Q: The English translation of the app provided by Baidu Inc. has been criticized by netizens. Will foreign users be faced with the same problem?

Y: Foreign users need only English words. There is no need for a Chinese translation. We cannot have a translator who will provide instant translation for users. Every week, we send some hundred items to Baidu. Its manual translation is fairly reliable. Why do we choose Baidu? It is because we've tried other services and find them much worse. I've attended a Baidu translation conference the month before last, and I put forward the request that they add more vocabulary to their wordbank, such as buzzwords, classic film lines, and lyrics of some popular songs. In this way, the translation won't be too ridiculous, right? But this is a big headache for them too. There will be a process for improvement. I guess they are working hard on that part.

Wu Yue contributed to the translation of the answers.


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