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Beijing's oldest food market to reopen

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2015-09-01 09:15

Beijing's oldest food market to reopen

Illustration of Dongdan market to be opened late in September. [Photo/Chinanews]

"The Dongdan food market is going to be Beijing's first experience center where time-honored brands can showcase their history and culture," Liu said, adding that it would also invite brands to give lectures on topics such as tea art and handcrafts.

To assist customers, the market will also include a platform where online and offline buying is encouraged.

"The old market offered a special service for aged customers and the new one can deliver goods to their place if they ever need to," said a person in charge of the market.

It is reported that the market has already reached agreements with several vegetable producing bases and livestock breeding bases in nearby cities such as Tianjin city and Zhangjiakou in Hebei province. Direct trading would cut prices by 30 percent.


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