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Monthly astrology: Marching on

By Lily May Wong | China Daily Asia | Updated: 2017-03-10 08:55

Monthly astrology: Marching on

[Photo provided to China Daily]

March is a month full of challenges. Despite the fact that taskmaster Saturn forms harmonious angles with the fiery red Mars and the rebellious Uranus, there's a problem. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is at difficult angles with Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and the moon. The alignment of the planets will have a different impact on different people, depending on your horoscope. So how will this affect you?

Aries (Mar 21–Apr 19)

Mars is the planet of action that rules Aries – and a hard angle with Pluto could have a major impact on those who were born under this sign. Pluto is mysterious and scary, as it rules destruction. But without death, nothing new will be born. So if some of your projects or goals turn out to be fruitless, don't fret. Embrace the changes and a new beginning will eventually arrive.

Taurus (Apr 20–May 20)

Those born in the sign of Taurus are better off in March compared to those born under other signs, as Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, is free from any hard angles with other planets. But this does not mean Taureans should go wild. Taureans, who tend to enjoy extravagant material possessions and have great tastes in both art and lifestyle, are advised to be cautious with their spending.

Gemini (May 21–Jun 20)

Geminis are advised to act cautious, especially when it comes to making important decisions. This is because Mercury, the ruling planet of the sign, is at an unfavourable angle with the moon, which is responsible for our emotions, and is clouded by the dreamy Neptune. Mercury is the master of communication, but this month Mercury is not in its best shape. Think twice before making any decisions, dear Gemini.

Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 22)

Career is the focus of the month for Cancerians. Expect a positive vibe surrounding your workplace. It is the time to strike and move forward. But the transiting moon, your ruling planet, is at harsh angles with Neptune, which is likely to confuse your emotions. Avoid dealing with matters that strongly concern your emotions this month.

Leo (Jul 23–Aug 22)

Like Cancer, career is also the focus of the month for those who were born in the sign of Leo; however, the nature of the focus is quite different. Expect transformation in your career, whether it's a change of job or a restructure of the workplace, which could affect your current position. It will likely be a positive move, so embrace the changes.

Virgo (Aug 23–Sep 22)

To those who were born in the sign of Virgo, March is not a month for matters of the heart – so this could be a disappointment for those single Virgos. However, this means you can direct your energy to your ambition, be it your career or other personal achievements. Luck will be on your side.

Libra (Sep 23–Oct 22)

Finding the right balance is the key for all Librans this month. Others will require your attention, whether it is in the workplace or the people around you, and you might feel drained by all these tasks. Thus, you need to strike a balance between your personal space and the outside world this month.

Scorpio (Oct 23–Nov 21)

Have your seat belt fastened in March, dear Scorpio. As this water sign is ruled by both Mars and Pluto, this could be quite a dramatic month. Expect sudden changes in areas ranging from home to career. Although the harmonious angle formed between Saturn and Mars might stabilise some of these changes, it's better to be prepared.

Sagittarius (Nov 22–Dec 21)

Sagittarius has always been an extrovert, but March is the time for this outgoing sign to look inward. The alignment of the stars gives those who were born under this sign a heads up to focus on their personal well-being, from the physical to the psychological and the spiritual. It's a month to slow down and reflect.

Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 19)

March is a pretty stable month for the determined, practical and dependable Capricorn as transiting Saturn, the ruling planet, is acting quite friendly with Mars and Uranus. This helps bring out the positive qualities of the latter two planets while stabilising their fiery, unpredictable nature. Hence, domestic matters will be the focus, as your home is your source of stability.

Aquarius (Jan 20–Feb 18)

Similar to Capricorn, March is a month about stability and slowing down. The transiting Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is getting a friendly wink from Saturn, helping to calm the disruptive nature of this rebellious planet. Seize the time to take care of your personal well-being, dear Aquarius, as you will need this month to prepare yourself for the battles ahead.

Pisces (Feb 19–Mar 20)

Transiting Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces, isn't at the friendliest angle with Mars in March. Thus, there could be times where you're not sure where you're heading. But don't fret – Pisceans are asked to listen to their hearts and take the time to clear things up before moving forward. This could be a fruitful month if you do it right.

Write to Lily May Wong if you have questions about astrology: lilymay@lilymaywong.com

Monthly astrology: Marching on