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China Daily Website

  • Local artists have stars in their eyes

    2009-08-01 10:41

    New York-based curator Mathieu Borysevicz hopes to illustrate narrative expression through a multimedia exhibit that opens this weekend at the Shanghai Gallery of Art.

  • Silk Road inspires artistic leap

    2009-08-01 09:43

    With fluttering steps, women in light dresses dance in circles, while their long scarves billow in the wind.

  • Memory is digital

    2009-08-01 09:42

    Eight Great Sites of Beijing is the first solo photography show at Pkin Fine Arts for Wang Chuan, a noted professor at Beijing's Central Academy of Fine Arts.

  • Art and fashion

    2009-07-30 09:52

    The first Global Chinese Art and Fashion Grand Ceremony will be held on Nov 30 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

  • Culture exhibition

    2009-07-30 09:37

    The first ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Culture and Art Festival will be held in Beijing from Sept 2-8, after the 7th Asia-Europe Meeting held in Beijing last October.

  • Back in the picture

    2009-07-28 09:14

    When photographer Hei Ming looks at pictures taken in front of the Tian'anmen Rostrum in the 1960s and now, one thing in particular strikes him. Photos taken during the "cultural revolution" (1966-76) often show people holding small books of quotations from former Chairman Mao Zedong, a daily necessity at that time.

  • Through the looking glass

    2009-07-25 09:47

    Beijing sculptor Jiang Jie's obsession with young people continues this month at Shanghai Art Museum.

  • Picture perfect

    2009-07-25 09:25

    The Summer Palace attracts photo enthusiasts from across Beijing to come here every day to capture the beautiful sunset at the Seventeen Arch Bridge.

  • An eye for irises

    2009-07-25 09:03

    Beijing-born artist He Si,who is going to start her oil painting show in Zezhong Gallery, talks about her paintings,especially of irises. 

  • Thinking out loud

    2009-07-24 10:26

    Speak & Describe - the 2009 Cross-Straits Contemporary Art Show, the first large-scale contemporary art exhibition, jointly organized by art museums across the Taiwan Straits, is running at the National Art Museum of China.

  • 'Floating paintings' light up UCCA

    2009-07-17 08:57

    Landscape of Childhood is a new series of paintings by Yan Peiming, presented by UCCA in the 798 Art Zone.

  • Highly strung hobbits add flair to fantasy

    2009-07-06 17:34

    With a colorful array of giant puppets, Theater Sans Fil will mark its debut performance on the Chinese mainland next weekend with its unique adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit.
