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Yufu Site

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-03-31

Yufu Site is located in Bao’en village, Wanchun town, Wenjiang district, in the city of Chengdu. The remains of Yufu ancient wall are faintly visible now. The crescent-shaped site has ridges that stretch 1,810m; only 1,300m of them are relatively well preserved.

From October to December 1996, during the first excavation, a great many pieces of pottery, dozens of pottery ware, and more than 100 elaborately polished small-sized stone implements -- including stone axes, stone chisels and stone adzes -- were unearthed. Other cultural relics, such as house sites, city walls and tombs, were also found.

The discovery confirmed that Yufu ancient city can be dated back to about 4,000 years ago in the Neolithic Period, earlier than the Sanxingdui Ruins in Guanghan, Sichuan province. The findings of Yufu Site top the excavation of remains of the Neolithic Period in the Western Sichuan Plain, becoming one of the top 10 archaeological finds across the country.

In 1999, Yufu ancient city was made a State-level unit of cultural relic protection. Better yet, both tombs of Boguan and Yufu, founders of ancient State of Shu ,are in Shou’an town, Wenjiang district, which is close to Wanchun town.

Edited by Michael Thai

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