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Wenjiang focuses on road safety improvement

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-31

Chengdu traffic management bureau held a meeting on July 25 to review the work of the first half of 2014 to improve road safety in the city and to plan the further work.

The traffic management bureau commended several districts and counties for their good performance in road safety improvement. Wanchun town in Wenjiang district was praised for its grid management model.

Wanchun is divided into 68 traffic management grids, all of which are within the jurisdiction of Wanchun's traffic safety management office and grid management center. In addition to routine traffic management works, each grid is supervised by an administrator, whose duties include finding out and reporting hidden troubles to the grid management center, to eliminate vulnerabilities.

Wu Yingmeng, head of Wenjiang's public security bureau, said at the meeting that the coming summer will bring challenges to road security improvement works since cases such as fatigue driving, drunken driving, and speeding occur most frequently during this season. The relevant departments have been making intensified efforts to monitor the situation, so as to prevent fatal traffic accidents from occurring.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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