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Wenjiang celebrates 30th National Teachers' Day

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-09-12

The Wenjiang's government held an awards ceremony on Sept 10 to celebrate the 30th Teachers' Day in China and honored the excellent teachers in Wenjiang, Chengdu, Sichuan province.

At the ceremony, student delegates gave speeches to express their gratitude and also to send their festival greetings to their teachers. In addition, excellent teachers were given awards. Some teacher delegates talked about their work experiences and feelings.

Xie Chao, Secretary of Wenjiang district, sent festival greetings to all the educators in Wenjiang. He said that Wenjiang has always been giving priority to its education development. Since 2014, Wenjiang has increased input in education and deepened education reform, and accordingly, the district has made enormous progress, to which all the teachers had made a great contribution. On the special day for teachers, Xie thanked the educators on behalf of Wenjiang's government and asked all of them to continue efforts to improve the education quality in Wenjiang.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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