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Sichuan Jinqiang basketball team welcomes new coach from Taiwan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-09-16

Sichuan Jinqiang men's basketball team held its first press conference of the new season on Sept 11 to announce that Qiu Dazong would become the new coach of the team.

Qiu comes from Taiwan, and started his career as a basketball coach in 1988. Since 2000, he has been coaching in many teams of the China Basketball Associatio. At the conference, Qiu said he was confident that the Jinqiang basketball team would greatly improve with his training. He also said that he would let Metta World Peace (Ron Artest), the former National Basketball Association player who recently joined the Jinqiang team, be the leader and core of the team.

Sichuan Jinqiang basketball team has been looking for a new coach since June. Qiu was selected because of his outstanding teaching skills, rich training experience, and English competency. The team and Qiu signed a two-year contract.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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