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School buses in Wenjiang receive inspection

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-12-30

Wenjiang traffic police recently conducted a surprise inspection on school buses to ensure students' travel safety and enhance road safety management in the district.

The police stopped passing school buses at the inspection stations after school and examined drivers' driving licenses, the vehicles' annual inspection certification and safety facilities in the buses including safety belts, emergency hammer and first aid kit.

During the inspection, police officers also questioned the drivers on traffic laws and matters needing special attention when driving a school bus.

The inspection results turned out to be satisfactory. All the examined buses were in good condition, and the drivers were all qualified.

According to Wenjiang traffic police station, they will continue to examine all the school buses in the district to eliminate hidden dangers. Also, they will strengthen publicity and raise social awareness to pave the way for school buses and ensure the students' safety.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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