Home > Equestrian industry

Teenage jockeys compete in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-09-22

The 2015 Chengdu Teenagers’ Riding Competition opened at the Wenjiang Jinma Equestrian Sports Park in Chengdu, Sichuan province, on Sept 20.

More than 20 jockeys from ages 8 to 10 took part in the competition, performing 13 different moves such as jumping over a bar and wave marching.

All the horses in the competition were ponies or short domestic horses to keep the competitors safe.

Zeng Lingwei and his horse An’an won first prize.

Wenjiang district has seen rapid development in both equestrian sports and the horse breeding in recent years, which has enabled the district to build itself into a national-level sports base.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Andrew Ancheta

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