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Wenjiang profits from tourism during Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-04-08

Wenjiang district in Chengdu, Sichuan province, received more than 252,900 visitors during the three-day Tomb-Sweeping (Qingming) Day holiday, April 2-4, bringing in 65.25 million yuan ($10.07 million) in revenue, Wenjiang News reported.

The number of visitors this year increased by 2.76 percent over the same period last year, while revenue grew by 33.82 percent, according to Wenjiang’s tourism bureau.

Chengdu’s annual classic horse race, the 2016 Dubai International Cup Wenjiang-Meydan Classic, held on April 2, was a real draw for tourists. More than 6,000 people watched the race in person.

A book entitled Manxiang Wenjiang (Enjoy Wenjiang Slowly) was published right before the Qingming Festival holiday. It details Wenjiang’s landscape and culture and it contains the comments and thoughts of 18 celebrities on local life, architecture, and food to stimulate visitors to explore Wenjiang district.

Chinese people go out for tomb-sweeping to mourn their deceased relatives on Qingming Festival as an age-old tradition. People also take advantage of the holiday to make sightseeing travels as warm spring encourages outdoor activities.

Wenjiang profits from tourism during Tomb-Sweeping Day holiday

The 2016 Dubai International Cup Wenjiang-Meydan Classic, held on April 2, is a real draw for tourists. [Photo/wjnews.com.cn]

Edited by Peter Nordlinger

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