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Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park looking for overseas investors

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-05-13

The Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park (SSCIP), jointly developed by Singapore and Sichuan province, is looking for investors in the United States, Japan and Europe, mainly in the fields of biomedical sciences and interactive digital media.

Investment promotion trips are already planned for the year, said Kelvin Teo, CEO of Sembcorp Development, one of the shareholders of Sino-Singapore (Chengdu) Innovation Park Development Co Ltd, developer of the SSCIP, at a written interview with China Daily.

Teo said the park will house five main sectors: biomedical sciences, interactive digital media, environmental technologies, high-end manufacturing and assembly and producer services.

Since the inception of the project, 20 companies have made a commitment to set up R&D centers and headquarters, with a total investment of more than 18 billion yuan ($2.95 billion), he said.

The park is also in advanced investment talks with a further eight companies.

Construction work on the park, which is located in the southern part of the Chengdu High-Tech Zone (CDHT) and covers 10.34 square kilometers, began in 2012 and it is expected that all infrastructure will be completed by 2020.

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