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Mauritius tourism ambassador knockout round in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-05-30

The last knockout competition of the Mauritius tourism ambassador selection took place at the Jinma Lake Jockey Club in Wenjiang district, Chengdu, on May 28, with three participants making it into the semi-final.

The three winners – Zhu Hanyu, Yu Yizhou, and Huang Yuxin – won a one-year membership at the Jinma Lake Jockey Club, worth 200,000 yuan ($30,390). They will continue to compete in the finals of the competition, which will be held in Mauritius in June.

The final winner will be awarded the title of Mauritius Tourism Ambassador. He or she will also get a job traveling around the world with an annual salary of 200,000 yuan.

The selection is jointly sponsored by the Sichuan Hanglv International Tourism Group and the National Tourism Administration of Mauritius. It is part of the 2016 Mauritius Tourism Festival in Chengdu that began on April 7.

Edited by Peter Nordlinger

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