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Wenjiang to host first state-approved half-marathon in Sichuan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-07-26

Wenjiang district will be the starting point of this year's Chengdu International Half-marathon on Sep 25, after the route was approved by the Chinese Athletics Association.

The race is the first state-level half-marathon in Sichuan province.

The route will feature distance marks each kilometer and intermittent rest areas, medical stations and drinking points. The exact statistics of the altitude will be clearly marked on a marathon map, which runners can use to get familiar with the route in advance.

The route will pass through Wenjiang Ecological Road, which is shaded by Chinese parasols on both sides in September. The start and end point coincide at the Guose Tianxiang Sky Wheel.

Characterized by lovely environment and tasty food, Wenjiang is ready to welcome runners from far and wide!

By Miao Jiayu and edited by Jacob Hooson

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