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In Madrid, paper and shadows draw Chengdu closer

( China Daily )

Updated: 2017-02-27

In Madrid, paper and shadows draw Chengdu closer

Local residents write their names on a panda statue during Chengdu Week in Madrid.

Chengdu, a megacity in western China, has been making a name for itself in Western countries in recent years, as it has moved to strengthen its cultural exchanges with the rest of the world.

Chengdu Week was held in Madrid in January as a major activity of the 2017 Happy Spring Festival in Spain, offering locals a feast of typical cultural elements from the metroplitis in Southwest China.

The Happy Spring Festival is an annual event held by the Chinese embassy in Spain to celebrate the traditional Spring Festival holiday with overseas Chinese, locals, and other visitors.

It was the first time that the Chinese embassy has introduced a specific city to the traditional Lunar New Year celebration.

During the festival, classic regional art forms such as paper cutting, shadow plays and face changing opera performances were on display at the Plaza Mayor in Madrid.

“The performances are so amazing that I want to buy a ticket to Chengdu right now,” said Manuela Carmena, mayor of Madrid, during the event.

Carmena said the two cities have much in common and she looks forward to working more closely with Chengdu in more fields.

“Madrid is a city of tourism and arts, and Chengdu also boasts rich historical and cultural heritage. The two cities can have further exchanges in tourism and culture.”

Guillermo Ospina, who traveled to Madrid from New York for a holiday, was attracted by the interesting performances at the Plaza.

“It’s so fascinating,” said Ospina, holding a Chinese papercut in one hand and a pile of tourist handbooks in the other. “I haven’t been to China before. I want to go to China this year, and Chengdu must be my first stop.”

Ospina said he also hoped that such activities can be held in New York some day.

Jose Alberto, a journalist from Madrid, said he was pleased to report and experience such wonderful activities.

“The traditional Chengdu arts and the giant pandas made me fall in love with the city. I would like to help more people discover the city and its charm.”

Alberto said he is also interested in Sichuan cuisine.

Lyu Fan, Chinese ambassador to Spain, said the collaboration between the two cities holds great potential in fields such as tourism, the breeding of giant pandas and automobile manufacturing.

Madrid’s zoo held a naming ceremony on Dec 12 for its latest baby panda, a day before the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Week festivities.

The 5-month-old female panda was named Chulina. It is the first female giant panda to be born at the zoo. Its parents came from Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in 2007.

Echoing Chengdu Week, the zoo held an art exhibition on giant pandas during the Happy Spring Festival. Pictures and painted panda statues were displayed in the exhibition.

Chengdu has become more closely tied to Spain since China launched a direct flight connecting Madrid and the city on Dec 17.

A one-way trip takes about 13 hours.

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