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Investment matchmaking conference held in Chengdu

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-04-07

As a follow-up to 2017 Chengdu Dubai International Cup, an investment matchmaking conference was held in Chengdu on April 1, with some 23 Wenjiang-based enterprises attending the conference.

Over 30 round tables were arranged at the conference site, bringing together representatives from domestic and foreign enterprises to seek cooperation.

According to the conference sponsor, enterprises joining the event represented over 30 different industries, including bio-medical, education, tourism and logistics.

“We’ve spoken to lot foreign and domestic enterprises to seek further cooperation at the matchmaking conference,” said Zhang Heping, general manager of the Wenjiang-based Medical Innovation Center.

Zhang also expressed his hope that more matchmaking conferences will be held in Chengdu.

Edited by Zachary Dye

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