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Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opens in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-05-08

Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opens in Wenjiang

The Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opens in the Wenjiang district, Chengdu on May 5. [Photo/scol.com.cn]

The Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opened at the Wenjiang Art Museum in the city of Chengdu on May 5.

Jointly sponsored by the Sichuan Provincial Calligraphers Association, Sichuan Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Wenjiang district government and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Chengdu Wenjiang committee, the exhibition will display 100 calligraphy artworks by local Sichuan youth until May 14.

Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opens in Wenjiang

Calligraphy artworks are displayed during the Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition from May 5–14. [Photo/scol.com.cn]

In recent years, the Wenjiang district has focused on developing its arts industry, and has constructed the Wenjiang Cultural Industry Park, Cultural and Sports Center and Wenjiang Art Museum.

Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opens in Wenjiang

Traditional Chinese calligraphy artworks are introduced to the attending audience of the Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition. [Photo/scol.com.cn]

“The youth calligraphy exhibition is expected to play a significant role in promoting Wenjiang’s culture and arts development,” said a Wenjiang district official.

Sichuan Youth Calligraphy Exhibition opens in Wenjiang

Visitors appreciate calligraphy artworks at the exhibition held in Chendu from May 5 - 14.[Photo/scol.com.cn]

Edited by Zachary Dye

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