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Wenjiang to host 7th national equestrian festival

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-10-17

The seventh China Equestrian Festival will take place in Chengdu’s Wenjiang district, Sichuan province, on Nov 10-12, according to a press conference held on Oct 12.

Wenjiang has hosted the national equestrian festival five times since 2011, gaining rich experience and contributing to the development of equestrian sports in China.

This year’s event will present exciting competitions and cultural activities for athletes and enthusiasts, expanding the event’s influence, according to a local official.

Wenjiang Jinma Equestrian Sports Park will continue to serve as the main venue for the festival. Covering an area of 30 square kilometers, it is the largest and best equipped racecourse in mainland China. Its 2,000-meter-long, 25-meter-wide track can accommodate 16 horses at a time.

Wenjiang to host 7th national equestrian festival

A press conference for the seventh China Equestrian Festival is held in the Wenjiang district, Chengdu, on Oct 12. [Photo by Xiang Rong/news.youth.cn]

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