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Deals signed to build a health valley in Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-10-27

The government of Chengdu's Wenjiang district signed a deal with Taiping Investment Co Ltd on Oct 20 to build a health valley in Yongning town.

The two sides aim to build the health valley into a modern medical cluster integrating the functions of medical care, disease prevention and comprehensive services.

A subsidiary of China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co Ltd, one of China's insurance authorities, Taiping Investment Co Ltd pledged to increase the investment to support Wenjiang district's intention of integrating its medical science and treatment.

The Wenjiang district has made great progress in promoting innovation and medical integration over recent years. The 37-hectare Chengdu Medical City was launched in Yongning town, aimed at providing world-class medical services and becoming an international hub for the health industry.

Official statistics show that there are currently over 600 medical enterprises located in Chengdu Medical City.

Deals signed to build a health valley in Wenjiang

The Wenjiang government signs a deal with Taiping Investment Co Ltd at Chengdu Medical City on Oct 20. [Photo/xinhuanet.com]

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