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Wenjiang promotes consumption quality in rural areas

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-10-10

A campaign to raise household consumption quality and promote local high-quality products was held in Wenjiang district, Chengdu on Sept 28.

Zhang Shemei, a professor at Sichuan Agricultural University, disseminated scientific knowledge to nearly 200 farmers and college teachers and students. She encouraged consumers to learn about scientific consumption concepts.

Staff of the municipal consumer association publicized consumption laws and knowledge during the campaign. By describing typical cases, they tried to help rural consumers improve their ability to distinguish fake and shoddy goods and defend consumer rights.

Around 20 outstanding local enterprises displayed high-quality products in an exhibition area, establishing a communication platform between consumers and merchants.

Wenjiang promotes consumption quality in rural areas

Officials attend the launch ceremony of the campaign to raise household consumption quality and promote local high-quality products. [Photo/wenjiang.gov.cn]

With lively explanations from staff, attendees were able to obtain more consumer knowledge and improve their ability to defend their own rights.

Deng Yi, deputy director of the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce, stated that the purpose of the campaign is to bring high-quality industrial products to rural consumers and bring high-quality agricultural products to urban consumers.

It also aims to serve the needs of rural consumers by encouraging them to change their consumer attitudes and pay more attention to quality, as well as teach them how to solve consumer disputes, engage in rational consumption, and improve their ability to defend themselves.

Deng added that it would help protect the legitimate rights and interests of rural consumers, and create happy and beautiful new rural villages.

The campaign is mainly focused on prominent problems in the rural consumer market, including consumption fraud targeting the elderly, illegal fund-raising, and illegal pyramid schemes. It will continue to carry out other educational activities on elderly consumption, online consumption, and financial consumption.

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