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Wenjiang holds traditional food culture gathering

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-10-26

The most unforgettable intangible cultural heritage of Chengdu's Wenjiang is the "nine dishes of Western Sichuan province". Recently, relevant departments of Wenjiang district government held a gathering to invite Taiwan businessmen to taste this delicious intangible cultural heritage.

The nine dishes include stewed meat, steamed pig leg, crispy pork ribs and so on, which are integrated with sweet, sour, salty and spicy flavors. The nine dishes are tasty and nutritious and suitable for banquet and festival occasions.

Wenjiang holds traditional food culture gathering
Taiwan businessmen enjoy a meal with Wenjiang residents. [Photo/cnr.cn]

Officials in charge of the activity introduced the history of the nine dishes to the Taiwan businessmen and shared Chengdu's progresses in the past years.

The "nine dishes of Western Sichuan province" is renowned for its profound history, delicate cuisine and serving rules. Recent years, Wenjiang took many efforts to develop ancient Sichuan culture to attract more investments from Taiwan businessmen. Wenjiang also expects people to pass down this intangible cultural heritage.

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