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Wenjiang awards community competition winners

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-10-31

Wenjiang district in Chengdu's first community competition closed on Oct 28, after an intense battle for 43 awards in fields such as badminton, reading and cooking.

The community competition was started on Sept 2 and lasted for 56 days involving 10 towns and sub-districts of over 10,000 participants. Meanwhile, the audience of the competition, which was live-streamed, totaled 100,000 people.

Wenjiang awards community competition winners
Winners of the competition receive awards. [Photo/cnr.cn]

The community competition was intended to draw people's attention to family and neighborhood harmony. According to a participant of the family's badminton doubles, the competition allowed her family to have an unforgettable experience of cooperation, and she wished for more similar activities.

Wan Chengyue, who was in charge of the reading contest, said that it provided a stage for the families to show their talents of performing, dancing, playing instruments and calligraphy, which will stimulate more families to the enjoy the fun of reading.

A staff member of Wenjiang district commission for social affairs concluded that the competition mobilized the enthusiasm of community residents to participate in community management, and marks a new start of community governance in urban and rural areas.

Wenjiang awards community competition winners

Judges taste the cuisine presented by a participant of the cooking competition. [Photo/cnr.cn]

Wenjiang awards community competition winners
Wenjiang residents participate in the reading competition. [Photo/cnr.cn]

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