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Fourth quarter projects kick off in Chengdu Medical City

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-11-02

The commencement ceremony for fourth quarter projects in Chengdu Medical City, Wenjiang district was held on Oct 28.

Fourth quarter projects of the Tri-Medical Innovation Center and several medical industrial parks and bases were launched at the ceremony.

Chengdu Medical City has gathered 199 pharmaceutical companies, medical R&D companies, and medical care institutions. This year, 44 major tri-medical projects with a total investment of over 50 billion yuan ($7.1 billion) were signed, while 19 projects are currently underway.

Wenjiang plans to continue providing incentives for companies to invest and operate in Chengdu Medical City.

Fourth quarter projects kick off in Chengdu Medical City

Representatives from the Wenjiang government and companies attend the commencement ceremony. [Photo/wenjiang.gov.cn]

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