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Wenjiang awards elites of Xijie community

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-12-13

Wenjiang recently held a ceremony awarding the elites of Xijie community in 2018. As part of the annual event, it selected eight groups and individuals for their good characters and contributions to the community.

The prizewinners were Yang Shun and Wang Yanbo, both university students and volunteers in West Street community, for their work visiting empty-nest elderly and disabled persons and giving free tutoring to children.

Wenjiang awards elites of Xijie community
A performance by residents of Xijie community. [Photo/newssc.org]

Wang Dan, secretary of Xijie community, said that the community aims to show good examples to the public by holding this event, publicizing good personal qualities and traditional virtues to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents.

This event has been held for many years. The community leader believes that by holding such an activity, the community will develop better.

Wenjiang awards elites of Xijie community
Elite individuals receive awards at the ceremony. [Photo/newssc.org]

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