The application of Article 33 in China's Patent Law and a study of the Cartridge Case2012-09-04

Name: Miao Yu and Ran JianguoTitle: Examiners of Patent Examination Cooperation Center Beijing, Patent Office, SIPO

The first part of the provision gives the applicant the right to amend his patent application as filed, for multiple reasons

A comparative study on the patentability of process in China and the U.S.2012-09-04

Name: Song Jianbao, S.J.D.
Title: Intellectual Property Affairs Center of Ministry of Science and Technology of China 

There have been more and more discussions and arguments on the patentability for computer programs resulting from the engineering and industrialization of computational and software technologies.

The "Achilles' Heel" of the photovoltaic industry2012-06-01

In China, when photovoltaic enterprises are frozen in an economic cold winter, we can see more information for the industry.

A brief introduction to patent applications from universities2012-05-10

Name: Zhang Wei
Title: Environmental Engineering office, department of materials, Beijing Center of Patent Examination Cooperation Center of SIPO

The author has taken part in the "IP Drive in Universities" since 2011 and some other activities such as the promotion of the Patent Law in universities.

Will the America Invents Act strengthen the U.S. patent system?2012-03-12

The America Invents Act ("Act") is the most sweeping revision of U.S. patent law in 60 years and changes the patent system in several important ways

The EIT Project: a relay race of technical patent exchange2012-03-12

In China, it has always been a major problem to work and commercialize the patent technologies, and particularly so for universities and research institutions. The problem is worse, when a military college is involved

Tensar succeeds in multi-dimensional protection of its patents2012-01-09

On August 23rd, 2011, the patent infringement case of Tensar International Ltd. and Tensar Geosynthetics (China) Co. Ltd.

U.S. supreme court's Bilski ruling is welcome news for Asian clean energy innovators2012-01-09

The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Bilski ensures that the door to patenting business method inventions remains open in America.

CTEX one-stop service and support system for national technical exchange2012-01-09

August 13th marks the second anniversary of the incorporation of China Technical Exchange (CTEX).

Impact of "commercial success of inventions" upon judgment of inventive step2012-01-06

Name:Zhang Peng
Title:Examiner at Patent Reexamination Board of SIPO

Impact of "commercial success of inventions" upon judgment of inventive step

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services