"Cloud computing" in the Clouds2011-07-14

"Cloud computing" can certainly be counted as a buzzword since 2010. It turns up everywhere just as "low carbon" did two years ago.

Grassroots inventions at upcoming national exhibit2011-07-13

Around 1,000 creations will be displayed at the National Invention Exhibition to be held from Aug 19 to 22 in Weihai, Shandong province.

Testing approved on GM cows that produce 'human' milk2011-04-13

The Ministry of Agriculture has approved animal testing on human-like milk from genetically modified (GM) dairy cows.

Keep that traffic rolling2011-04-08

Beijing - There are no gridlocked roads in Li Xu's world. Traffic flows smoothly and specially designed intersections keep everyone on the move.

Ericsson to sue ZTE over patent breaches: Report2011-04-02

Mobile equipment giant Ericcson will sue Chinese telecom firm ZTE after accusing it of infringing its patents, the Financial Times reported.

Bitter pill for multinationals as top drug patents expire2011-03-30

The medicine Lipitor used to lower cholesterol was the world's most popular drug in 2010 with $11.8 billion in sales for its developer, New York-based pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences obtains 675 patents2011-03-10

During this period the Academy had two crowning achievements. First was the establishment of the evaluation system of Chinese wheat quality and the molecular improvement technology.

The Yiwan railway officially opened2011-03-10

The Yiwan railway, which spans from Yichang, Hubei Province to Wanzhou, Chongqin, known as “The Top Hard Construction Railway of the World,” was officially opened on December 22, 2010.

The first patent auction of China Academy of Sciences dropped hammer2011-03-10

70 technical inventions related intelligent information, wireless communication, integrated circuits were put up for public auction.

A Synopsis on Defenses to Patent Infringement2011-03-06

Name: Liu Xiaojun
Title: Judge of the IP Division of the Beijing Higher People’s Court

The defenses based on challenging the validity of patents refer to an argument that the defendant denies plaintiff’s patent validity when being sued for patent infringement.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services