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DRC Delegation led by President Zhang Yutai visits Switzerland and Austria


A DRC delegation led by President Zhang Yutai attended the “China and Global Sustainable Recovery—Bridge China Dialogue 2009” held in Geneva, Switzerland on October 26-27. Following the conference opening remarks, President Zhang made a keynote address on “Current Situation and the Future of the Chinese Economy”. Ms Sun Lanlan, DG of International Cooperation Department of DRC chaired a keynote address on “Energy Conservation Priorities in China and Europe”, Dr. Fengfei, DG of Industrial Economy Research Department and Dr. Ba Shusong, Deputy DG of Research Institute of Finance, DRC made speeches in the sessions of “Opportunities for Investment in China’s Sustainable Projects” and “Global Economic Recovery & the Role of China” respectively. DRC speeches received warm welcome and positive repercussions from the participants and the media. Prior to the conference, the delegation had a meeting at UNIDO headquarter and visited energy saving enterprises and related financial institutes in Vienna and Geneva. The visit to Austria and Switzerland was a full success.