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Industrial Economy

Policies and modes for the separation of social functions from State-owned coal enterprises


By Liao Yingmin 

Date: 2003/09/22


The separation of social functions from State-owned coal enterprises should be done in the light of different situations and the work should be carried out with persistence in different styles, classified guidance, and in a gradual way from easy to difficult. According to market economic laws, the enthusiasm of the government, the coal enterprises and the society should be brought into play, the separation of social functions from State-owned coal enterprises should be in coordination with the further reform of various systems and carried out steadily. In reducing the burdens of State-owned coal enterprises, the administrative functions and the public welfare establishment should be returned to the government, the functions of life service and social service should be marketized, and the resources of State-owned coal enterprise for displaying social functions should be optimized and rationally utilized so as to raise the core competitiveness of these coal enterprises.