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Rural Economy

The new industry arising out of returning the ploughed area to grassland


By Pan Yaoguo 

Date: 2001/12/17

--An investigation into and thinking over the livestock industry in grassland in Guizhou province


The southern part of China has superior natural endowment, but the livestock industry is predominantly featured by pigs, which feed on grain. Guizhou province has taken the lead in the southern provinces to raise livestock by planting grass and embarked on the road of grain saving livestock development. By returning ploughed area to grassland particularly in highland and cold areas where agricultural crops do not easily ripen, people can make use of the natural advantages such as sufficient rainfall and the resulting plant stalks and leaves to develop grass-eating livestock with cattle and sheep as the core. As a result, a good economic return can be acquired, and the social and ecological benefit could be well integrated. The key is to raise the start-up fund for purchasing young livestock after planting grass.