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Social Development

Driving Forces for the Diversification of Village-Level Organizations(No.154, 2017)


By Zhao Shukai & Mi Jian, Information Center of DRC

Research report No.154, 2017 (Total 5229) 2017-11-22

Abstract: Relevant survey findings indicate that the driving forces for the diversification of village-level organizations mainly include three factors, i.e. the restructuring of collective economic organizations, the progress of urbanization and the contradictions between villagers. Out of these factors, the restructuring of collective economic organizations has made village-level organizations become legal persons, clarified villagers’ rights and interests and turned them into shareholders, fueling the diversification of village-level organizations. The urbanization drive has boosted the diversification of village-level organizations through the renovation of old villages, industrial upgrading, land acquisition and villager resettlement. The contradictions between villagers have led to the separation of villagers’ economic rights from household registration and employment and further promoted the diversification of village-level diversification. With regard to the above-mentioned changes, Beijing has gained some experience which makes good reference for other areas. First, the government has shown high concern to issues relating to rural reforms and provided positive measures to address the problems on time. Second, the government has conducted multiple trials and extended the reform experience step by step. Third, the government has formulated and implemented related policies based on grassroots innovations. Fourth, the government has built consensus on major issues through training, lectures, field surveys and the sharing of experience.

Key words: village-level organizations, driving forces, diversification