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DRC Party Secretary visits Fujian province for research


DRC Party Secretary visits Fujian province for research

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of DRC, visits Fujian province for research from April 10 to 13. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), visited Fujian province for research from April 10 to 13.

DRC Party Secretary visits Fujian province for research

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of DRC, visits Fujian province for research from April 10 to 13. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Ma met with provincial leaders including Party Secretary of Fujian Yu Weiguo, learned about the alignment of the national strategy of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in Nanping city, visited the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area to survey the development of cross-Straits integrated development, and attended the 2019 Fujian Provincial Policy Advisory Work Conference.

DRC Party Secretary visits Fujian province for research

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of DRC, visits Fujian province for research from April 10 to 13. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Ma pointed out that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of Fujian and have piloted a series of policies and tasks in the province. The DRC will further deepen pragmatic cooperation with Fujian and jointly carry out major forward-looking policy consultation research to better assist its development.

DRC Party Secretary visits Fujian province for research

Ma Jiantang, Secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of DRC, visits Fujian province for research from April 10 to 13. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Ma emphasized that China is promoting a new type of think tank construction in the new era. The policy advisory departments should serve the development of the Party and the government, and improve the ability and level of decision-making consulting work.

Ma also led the research team to Shizhen village in Nanping city to visit the Liao Junbo Memorial Hall. Liao has dedicated his life to the well-being of the people before a car accident took his life on his way to work. The delegation studied the touching story of Liao Junbo through exhibitions and explanations, and learned about his loyalty and selfless dedication to the people. Liao is a banner of Party members and cadres in the new era. Everyone said that they should draw strength from the story of Liao Junbo and turn it into solid actions in their own work.