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Data-driven Innovative Approach for Governmental Governance: Empirical Analysis Based on Developed Countries’ Experience (Special Issue, No.121, 2019)


By Gu Tian’an, Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources, DRC

Research Report, Special Issue, No. 121, 2019 (Total 1749) 2019-11-29

Abstract: Big data has become an important means of promoting governmental governance reform and economic and social development in various countries in the world. This paper analyzes the development trend of big data in developed countries and the common practices and innovative measures adopted by governments in practice, in a bid to provide references for China to promote governance innovation by using big data. China enjoys an innate advantage in the development of big data. With the initial application of big data in the government sectors, some positive progress has been made in data sharing in an open-minded manner, but the potential needs to be tapped further. At present, China’s government data governance system has yet to be established, the systems and mechanisms for data sharing in an open-mined manner remain to be improved, and the government ability to apply big data still needs to be enhanced. It is an important and urgent practical issue on how to use big data to improve governance capability and promote governance innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to set an international first-class standard, establish a safe and controllable national big data governance system, improve the cooperative innovation mechanism with the support of science and technology, enhance the government’s big data application capability, turn the technological driver into governance innovation efficiency, and build the national core competitiveness in the big data era.

Key words: government governance, data governance, synergetic innovation, sci-tech support