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Mexican Ambassador to China gives speech at DRC Chair

Mexican Ambassador to China gives speech at DRC Chair

Mexican Ambassador to China Jose Luis Bernal is invited to deliver a keynote speech at the fourth DRC Chair on Dec 14. [Photo/drc.gov.cn]

The fourth DRC Chair of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), was held on Dec 14. Mexican Ambassador to China Jose Luis Bernal was invited to deliver a keynote speech on "Promoting Mexico-China Economic and Trade Cooperation under the Framework of the Bilateral Comprehensive Strategic Partnership".

Bernal briefed the main content of Mexico's contemporary reform and the connotation of the fourth reform as well as Mexico's development advantages, reviewed the history of China-Mexico bilateral relations, economic and trade cooperation as well as cultural exchanges, and looked forward to future China-Mexico bilateral relations.

Mexican Ambassador to China gives speech at DRC Chair

Mexican Ambassador to China Jose Luis Bernal is invited to deliver a keynote speech at the fourth DRC Chair on Dec 14. [Photo/drc.gov.cn]

Bernal expressed his willingness to strengthen communication with China in multilateral affairs, expand bilateral cooperation, and better promote the development of China-Mexico comprehensive strategic partnership as a contribution to reform of the global governance system.

Long Guoqiang, Vice-President of DRC, met with Bernal before the speech. Long hosted the event, which was attended by more than 100 representatives of the DRC and other government departments.