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China, Italy sign collaborative research agreement on renewable energy development

The closing ceremony of the 10th joint meeting of the China-Italy Government Committee was held online on Dec 29.

China, Italy sign collaborative research agreement on renewable energy development

Chinese and Italian Foreign Ministers witness the signing of the collaborative research agreement online. [Photo/drc.gov.cn]

At the ceremony, Long Guoqiang, Vice-President of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), and Marco Alvera, CEO of SNAM, an Italian energy infrastructure company, signed a collaborative research agreement on research on China's renewable energy development strategy.

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio witnessed the signing of the agreement.

China, Italy sign collaborative research agreement on renewable energy development

Chinese and Italian Foreign Ministers witness the signing of the collaborative research agreement online. [Photo/drc.gov.cn]