The first three quarters saw rapid growth in energy production and demand. Prices, especially those of oil and coal, kept soaring. In the fourth quarter, increase rate in the demand for energy will drop, but prices will remain high.
The first three quarters of 2004 saw a fluctuation of grain prices from high to low and back again. Grain prices in the fourth quarter are expected to stabilize on a high level.
China is now the second largest oil consumer in the world and the arch nation in terms of oil consumption growth .
Since 1999 when returning farmland to forests project was launched in the country, primary outcomes have been seen in many localities and are studied in Shaanxi and Heilongjiang Provinces.
The main content, the operational details, the approaches and the results of direct subsidy policy on food grain production are analyzed, regarding the pilot projects at a county level.
On the whole, grain price increases in the first half of 2004 remained strong. Thanks to good yields of summer crops, early rice and seasonal factors, grain prices have shown a downward trend since May.
In the first half of this year, energy production and demand continue to grow rapidly. Energy prices rise by a big margin.
The sand industry in the 3 North-China regions is fast growing, which is assumed beneficial to both eco-system protection and economic development.