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Welcome from the dean of  Cheung Kong GSB
2009-Sep-24 11:01:29

Welcome from the dean of  Cheung Kong GSB

The speed and significance of China's rise continues to take both China and the outside world by surprise. In a parallel emergence, the Beijing-based Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business has established itself as the leading business school in China and entered the global spotlight in just five short years.

With its world-class faculty and firm commitment to research and knowledge generation, Cheung Kong GSB leads out on research concerning the dynamics of competing and collaborating among state-owned enterprises, private firms, and multinational corporations in China, the world's largest emerging market. Cheung Kong GSB leverages its world-class faculty and global perspective to generate unrivaled insights into how to integrate the China play into the global play from the perspective of both MNCs and Chinese indigenous companies. As a result, the seamless integration of China and the world is now attainable.

Cheung Kong GSB strengths in teaching and research have enabled the School to attract elite business leaders from China and beyond, who now form the region's most influential alumni network. In addition, this proprietary knowledge forms the foundation for innovative programs such as the China CEO Program and the China Finance CEO Program.

This intellectual leadership in knowledge generation makes Cheung Kong GSB complementary with the world's top business schools. Over the past few years, Cheung Kong GSB has teamed with schools such as Wharton, INSEAD, the London School of Business, and Columbia to deliver various innovative programs.

Cheung Kong GSB is now moving into the second phase of a strategy that began by consolidating its position as the premier business school for research on emerging markets such as China and India. We are now partnering with top schools to expand the research coverage to Asia and beyond, including Korea, Japan, ASEAN, and Russia.

Cheung Kong GSB continues to extend traditional business school boundaries with innovation on a global scale. We are the first business school to incorporate the Humanities directly into the curriculum of our MBA, EMBA, and Executive Education programs. To be globally competitive, we see that future business leaders must lead with big hearts. Our pioneering experiment to mix management with the Humanities has been well received by both academic and business communities; students find their experience of learning at Cheung Kong GSB a truly transforming and enlightening one. A new generation business school with global ambition, we find ourselves well-positioned for the future with a unique differentiation strategy. The unprecedented aspiration of the Cheung Kong GSB project - to become a global top 10 business school within 10 years - is within reach.

We invite you to join us on this exciting venture.

XIANG Bing, Dean, Cheung Kong GSB





中国改革开放三十年取得了举世瞩目的成就。在全球经济一体化的今天,中国经济由大变强需要一批具有全球视野、社会责任感和人文关怀的商界领袖。长江 商学院成立六年来,怀抱十年内跻身世界一流商学院的梦想,一直以“为中国培养一批世界级的企业家”为己任,为打造全球新一代商学院做出了一系列探索与创新。

学校的灵魂是其全职的、世界级的教授队伍。亚洲商学院最大的弱点是匮乏属于自己的世界级教授队伍,而凭借“教授治校”的先进体制、各级政府及李嘉诚 基金会的大力支持,取势于中国经济的崛起,长江商学院成功聚集了一支以华人为主、全职的世界级教授队伍。他们均曾任教于沃顿、斯坦福、欧洲工商管理学院等 世界著名商学院。这一教授阵容的整体实力,不仅在国内独一无二,在整个亚太地区也不多见。长江商学院可能是亚洲唯一一所从世界顶级商学院现有教授队伍中聘 用属于自己的一批全职教授的商学院。 长江商学院一贯重视对新兴市场的研究,着力探讨国企、民企和跨国公司如何在中国市场进行有效的竞争与合作,中国企业如何应对全球化的挑战,跨国公司 如何整合中国市场而形成真正意义上的“以全球应对全球”。长江商学院的世界级教授队伍,不仅通晓西方管理理论,得到国际学术界的广泛认同,而且深入了解中 国及大中华地区的管理实践。立足于“取势、明道、优术”的战略指引,长江商学院完全超越了传声筒和教学工厂的教学模式,在以中国为代表的新兴市场研究领域 引领全球,并已产生一系列源自本土、被认为对中国乃至全球管理实践影响最大的原创思想,成为这一领域新知识的全球引领者。

2004年,长江商学院率先在管理教育中系统引入人文课程,也是全球首家提出培养企业家“人文精神”的商学院。长江商学院为此成立人文委员会,由世界新儒学大师杜维明教授担纲主席,并邀请世界级人文研究学者加盟,在课程中系统介绍儒学、佛学、基督教、伊斯兰教等轴心文明。长江期望培养一批具备全球竞 争力和人文精神的世界级商界领袖。在西方主流商学院强调跨文化交流的“套路与技巧”时,长江商学院已经开始注重人文内功的修炼,拓展了商学教育逻辑的内 涵。

长江商学院已成为中国顶级企业家的共同选择,如中海油的傅成玉、复星集团的郭广昌、巨人集团的史玉柱、阿里巴巴的马云、分众传媒的江南春等。长江的世界级教授队伍与中国的商界领袖们教学相长共同实现打造世界级商业机构的梦想。 同时,长江校友会为他们搭建了中国最大、最具影响力和最具价值的商业精英交流平台。长江的超强凝聚力和向心力为江同学的人生和事业的持续发展提供了最有效 的支持。


优秀的学员与强大的校友网络一直是长江商学院的宝贵财富,长江商学院希望她的学员不仅是物质财富的创造者,更有“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为天下开太平”的抱负和胸怀。社会责任感和人文关怀是长江商学院核心文化的重要部分。长江商学院学员始终关注并鼎立支持教育、科研、健康、扶贫、少 年儿童发展、环保等各项社会公益事业。截至2008年6月30日,长江人向汶川地震灾区累计捐款就超过4.3亿元人民币,占中国企业捐款总额 6%。

凭借世界级的教授队伍,原创性、前瞻性、实用性,甚至颠覆式管理新思想,长江商学院EMBA、MBA和高层管理教育项目在几年中已跻身中国乃至亚洲 领先行列,并与世界顶级商学院如哥伦比亚商学院、欧洲工商管理学院,IMD等建立战略合作关系。 长江已经迈进发展的第二阶段:美、欧、亚管理教育全球“三国演义”战略全面启动,着力把长江打造成为一所泛亚洲的商学院。2006年4月,长江商学院携手 欧洲工商管理学院与美国沃顿商学院,推出全球瞩目的“中国企业CEO课程”,吸引了包括一批中国顶尖企业的领军人物参加。项目成功举办三期以来,已有 150余位极具代表性的企业CEO从该项目毕业。2007年成功推出全球首创的韩国CEO项目、印度CEO项目,对亚洲企业和经济发展进行深入研究。这些 项目的成功表明,长江的原创管理思想已超越国界,逐步在全球范围内形成影响。长江商学院为中国和世界管理教育发展写下了精彩一页。


                                                                                                    长江商学院院长、教授 项兵 博士

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