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China art federation takes performance to Fujian

By Lu Ting ( China Daily Fujian Bureau )

Updated: 2013-12-26

There was a special performance arranged by the Chinese Musicians Association and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, on Dec 20, in the city of Fuqing, Fujian province which is known as the hometown of overseas Chinese, the first performance of its kind to be held there, with many famous Chinese singers lending time and talent, including Song Zuying, one of China's most famous sopranos, Lv Jihong, a popular tenor, and Man Wenjun, a pop singer, and Wang Lida, a folk singer.

Literary and art personnel divided into two groups for a visit to peasants in the village of Xitou and a workshop in the Xiangxing Group, whose performance was interesting and touching and captivated the audience.

China art federation takes performance to Fujian

A special performance in Fuqing, Fujian, the home town of overseas Chinese, on Dec 20. [Photo by Lu Ting/China Daily Fujian Bureau]

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