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Train tickets for early May in hot demand

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-04-16

Train tickets between Fuzhou and other popular cities in and out of Fujian province around the May Day holiday are getting harder to obtain, Strait News reported on April 16.

Tickets for high-speed trains running from Fuzhou to Shenzhen in Guangdong province from April 30 to May 3 are almost sold out. And train tickets to Xiamen and Nanchang are also in high demand, the newspaper said, citing railway staffers.

Most of the ticket buyers are traveling for tourism and family reunions. The travel rush period is April 30 to May 1, said an employee of Fuzhou Railway Station.

People can buy train tickets on the Internet 20 days before the departure date. The pre-sale period is 18 days at the station. Those who plan to travel during the May Day holiday are advised to book their tickets in advance.

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