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Fujian to get tough on polluting enterprises

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-06-13

A teleconference convened by the Fujian government on Thursday resulted in a decision to launch a special operation against illegal polluters, starting now until November.

It is Fujian’s 12th annual campaign on environmental protection, which focuses on the prevention and control of air pollution.

Accordingly, severe punishments are to be imposed on local enterprises that discharge “black smoke” and those engaged in illegal heavy metal and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

According to the teleconference, a major task of this operation is to make sure governments at all levels in the province carry out air pollution prevention plans.

Specifically, the treatment of atmospheric pollutants from industries such as electricity, cement, steel, plate glass, cooking, and shipping, will be the focus of inspections. Enterprises that leave their atmospheric pollutant treatment facilities in disuse without permission, or cheat on the data of automatic monitoring facilities, will be suspended according to law.

In addition, crackdowns on the “black smoke” enterprises, along with the heavy metal and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries, will continue. Companies that fail to reach emission standards or illegally refine hazardous metals, can face closure and be exposed through the media.

An officer from the Department of Environmental Protection of Fujian province said that authorities will take strong and tough action in the campaign, which will help violators change their ways and comply.

Moreover, citizens are most welcome to make their own contributions to a low-carbon life, such as taking public transportation more often and keeping an eye out for illegal pollution discharges, he added.

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