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Fujian's CPC chief meets KMT honorary chairman Lien Chan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-11

Fujian anticipates more Taiwan's enterprises will engage in its development and increase cross-Straits economic and cultural exchange, according to You Quan, secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Fujian, on July 9.

You made these remarks during a meeting with Lien Chan, honorary chairman of Taiwan’s ruling Kuomintang (KMT) party, in Taipei.

Lien extended a warm welcome to You, who is the first Fujian CPC chief to pay an official visit to Taiwan. Lien said the visit is of great significance.

Having been to Fujian, his ancestral home, three times to worship his ancestors, Lien said he’d seen firsthand the enormous progress Fujian has made and expressed hope that You’s visit would further boost Fujian-Taiwan relations.

You Quan spoke highly not only of Lien’s deep love for Chinese people, but also his great vision. He brought up Lien’s leadership of a KMT delegation’s historic ice-breaking visit to the mainland in 2005, which contributed greatly to the peaceful development of cross-Straits ties.

“Mr. Lian has always cared deeply about the development of his home and has actively promoted Fujian-Taiwan cooperation in many areas. And we are very grateful for that,” he said.

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