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APEC Marine Ministerial Meeting to be held in Xiamen

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-08-21

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2014 Fourth Marine Ministerial Meeting will be held in Xiamen on August 27 and 28. Preparations for the meeting have entered their final countdown.

Ni Chao, the deputy mayor of the City, attended the delivery ceremony of the head of delegation’s appointed vehicles yesterday.

The APEC Fourth Marine Ministerial Meeting will be one of nine professional ministerial meetings held in China in 2014, which is the highest intergovernmental level international meeting in the marine field at present. Xiamen takes over the important responsibility after South Korea, Indonesia and Peru had held the first three sessions.

It’s said that the meeting will center on the subject of building a new Asia Pacific marine cooperation partnership, mainly discussing the development potentials of marine in economic growth, environmental protection, food security and technological innovation. It will seek new support for local economic recovery and growth and bring forth new ideas in developing marine’s potential further and seeking new economic growth points. The meeting will provide a platform for exploring the practical cooperation in the marine field among Asia-Pacific coutries and make great efforts to build a more integrated, more comprehensive, sustainable and mutually beneficial marine cooperation partnership.

Xiamen has made elaborate preparations for this meeting. With regards vehicle use, the meeting chose Red Flag H7 as the highest level appointed vehicles for the head of delegations, which is the domestically-developed high-end passenger vehicle brand with most Chinese characteristics. Before then, Red-flag cars – which are known widely in China – have made appearances in APEC meetings several times, including providing vehicle services for the APEC Women’s Leadership Forum and APEC trade ministers' meeting.

During the meeting, a reception fleet of 30 Red-flag cars will serve the participating politicians, the head of delegation and experts in the marine field.

APEC is the most influential economic cooperation organization in the region. The ministerial meeting is a high level meeting second to the informal APEC leaders’ meeting.

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