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Fujian to review 37 laws in 2015

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-01-09

The provincial government of Fujian province released a schedule for reviewing 37 local laws and regulations for 2015.

The draft bills, usually from governments at lower level and their departments, are required to be submitted to the provincial government by April 30.

The details of the schedule are as follow:

Jan: Conservation Methods of Water Resources in Aojiang River Basin; Methods for Boosting Express Delivery Industry ; Administrative Methods of Nontax Revenue Provincial Government

February: Regulation on Maritime Search and Rescue ; Regulations on Anti-Smuggling Activities ; Regulations on E-Government Construction

March: Management Methods of Forest Parks ; Protection Methods of Historical Cities, Towns and Villages ; Regulations on Safety Technology ; Regulations on National Archives

April: Interim Methods for Soliciting and Using of Public Credit Information ; Regulations of Earthquake Forewarning System ; Regulations on Law Promotion and Education

May: Regulations on Engineering Costs ; Management Methods on Wuyishan National Reserve Areas; Regulations on Protection of Rights of Overseas Chinese

June: Management Methods on Urban Housing Security ; Promotion of Industrial Associations ; Regulations on Management of the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone

July: Interim Methods on Incentive and Punishment Mechanism of Credit Records ; Regulation on Non-Commercial Forests ; Management Methods on Cultural Relics on Maritime Silk Road in Zhangzhou City

August: Food Security Regulations ; Regulation on Oceanic Environmental Compensation ; Revisions to Food Safety Production Regulation

Sept: Regulation on the Use of New Construction Materials ; Regulation on Urban Water Supply ; Regulation on Water Recreation Areas

Oct: Regulation on Educational Supervision ; Regulation on China (Fujian) Free Trade Zone; Regulation on Waster Conservation

Nov: Regulation on Protection of Radioactive Environment near Nuclear Plants ; Methods of Prevention and Handling of Medical Disputes ; Regulations on Law Enforcement

Dec: Implementation of China’s Road Traffic Safety Law; Regulation on Compensation of Land Acquisition and Social Insurance of Farmers ; Regulation on Protection of Meteorological Facilities and Meteorological Sounding Environments

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