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Senior Party official speaks about provincial development

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-03-06

Zhao Hongzhu, member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, says he really approves of Fujian province's achievements over the past year, at a March 5 meeting of the Fujian delegation to the 12th National People’s Congress, in Beijing.

“I’m very proud of how Fujian made such big strides in its reforms, opening to the world, protecting people’s lives, improving the ecology, and its Party work,”he commented.

Zhao then proposed a 6-point approach for Fujian in maintaining steady, rational growth, opening more to the world, encouraging innovation, making Fujian more beautiful, sticking to the law in government and administration, and administering the Party in a stricter way.

Senior Party official speaks about provincial development

Zhao Hongzhu, Party Central Committee member, at a meeting at the 12th National People’s Congress in Beijing, on March 5. [Photo/Nhaidu.com]

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