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Xiamen to facilitate export business

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-04-01

The Xiamen municipal government approved a document on March 17 which will allow the expansion of its international business, with the core principle of “fostering emerging markets, stabilizing traditional markets”.

The government set a goal for exports in international emerging markets to account for 38 percent of the total export volume in 2019, an increase of 10 percent over the current rate.

The document emphasized five major works in the next five years.

The city will help to build more international trade platforms for exhibition, e-commerce and investment services to give local enterprises the convenience of entering the international market.

The government will give guidance to help export enterprises accelerate product innovation, enhance product quality and upgrade processing procedures.

Xiamen will implement two more favorable policies for export businesses, which will include the building of an investment outflow service system and the upgrading of trading systems and financial products.

The city will also establish overseas trading stations to help promote products and enhance international communication.

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