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Illegal parking fines to be raised up to 1,000 yuan in Xiamen

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-04-03

A draft amendment to the road safety law of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone to raise fines for drivers of illegal parking in the city has been submitted for approval.

Illegal parking fines to be raised up to 1,000 yuan in Xiamen

Drivers are currently fined 100 yuan every time for illegal parking in the city, and the fine is far less than renting a parking space, therefore many drivers just turn a blind eye to the fine.

In 2013, there were 1.67 million cases of illegal parking in the city, which occupied 46% of the total driving violation cases.

The draft amendment advised fines between 100 and 1,000 yuan for illegal parking.

There are 6 categories of proposed fines for different kinds of parking violation as follows:

1) RMB 20 fine for drivers who don’t park cars properly in the parking space under the guidance

2) RMB 1,000 fine for drivers who park illegally in tunnels or on bridges and urban expressways

3) RMB 50 fine for drivers who open car doors before their car stops, or for not parking along the right side of roads while temporarily parking

4) RMB 200 fine for drivers who leave after illegally parking

5) RMB 300 fine for drivers who park in bus-only parking space or at intersections and forbidden areas

6) RMB 500 fine for drivers who park on busy roads or periods forbidden by the Public Security Department

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