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NPC official visits Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-04-03

A team from the financial and economics committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), led by Yin Zhongqing, the committee's deputy director, visited the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone on March 19 to learn about its development.

At a customs checkpoint near the Haixia Bridge, which connects Pingtan and the inland area, Yin was affirmative with an information management system and Pingtan's innovation in customs measures.

The delegators then inspected Jidiao Wharf under construction in Jinjing Bay district, where Yin called for construction of a modern port in Pingtan to boost the development of a free trade zone and make Pingtan a desirable destination for global investment.

Yin was also impressed by the duty-free Taiwan Commodity Market in Pingtan and said he hoped Pingtan will increase communication and cooperation with Taiwan.

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