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Over half of people surveyed in Xiamen want to have plastic surgery

( whatsonxiamen )

Updated: 2015-08-26

In a random survey of 597 adults in Xiamen, about 54.5 percent of respondents consider appearance a very important thing in their life, even more important than intelligence. Only 12.8 percent of them pay little attentions to their looks.

Meanwhile, about 87.9 percent said that appearance has the biggest impact on their self-confidence, and 65.3 percent admitted that they wanted to improve their looks for love and marriage.

The survey also shows that 53.5 percent of respondents wanted to have plastic surgery, with 9.8 percent reporting that they had consulted related institutions.

Chinese actresses Fan Bingbing and Angelababy were the most popular plastic surgery "templates" among women during the survey. Among women, 33.3 percent wanted to copy Fan bingbing's looks while 36.9 percent wanted to become Angelababy.

In the term of acceptance, over 80 percent of respondents said they could accept plastic surgery, but 60 percent had a negative attitude towards other people having plastic surgery.


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