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Pingtan college starts entrepreneurship center construction

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-01-06

Pingtan college starts entrepreneurship center construction

Workers are seen proceeding with construction of the Student Entrepreneurship Center at the Fujian Polytechnic of Information Technology's Pingtan Campus, Fujian province. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

The Student Entrepreneurship Center at the Fujian Polytechnic of Information Technology's Pingtan campus in East China's Fujian province recently started its main structure construction, local news portal ptnet.cn reported on Jan 5.

The center is the first area that began construction at the campus. With investment of 14 million yuan ($2.1 million), the center covers a combined floor area of 3,500 square meters.

It is expected to complete construction in April 2016, according to the project manager.

When it is completed, the place will be used as a vocational and entrepreneurship training base for college students, said a college leader.

The Pingtan campus of the Fujian Polytechnic of Information Technology is situated in the county's Zhonglou township and covers an area of 800 mu (53 hectares). In addition to the Student Entrepreneurship Center, the campus will consist of teaching and laboratory buildings, a library, a sports stadium among others.

The campus plans to enroll 10,000 full-time students and offers vocational training and adult education to around 14,000 perennially, added the leader.

Local authorities mentioned that the landing of the campus is of great significance for the county's development of higher vocational education.

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