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Special training class on BRICS conditions opens in Xiamen

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-05-10

Special training class on BRICS conditions opens in Xiamen

Many attentive cadre members listen to the opening ceremony. [Photo/xmfo.gov.cn]

A special training centered around BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries’ national conditions commenced at the Party School of Xiamen, Fujian province on April 21.

Some 200 cadres from government departments, public institutions, and State-owned enterprises took part in the two-day event.

At the opening ceremony, Qiu Yongcai, leader of the discipline inspection team of Xiamen Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, said he hopes that the trainees will learn more about the national condition of BRICS to better gear up for 9th BRICS Summit to be held in Xiamen in September.

Four famous scholars on international relations were invited to share their knowledge about BRICS, such as BRICS’ political, economic, and diplomatic relations from a global perspective, the diplomatic relationship between other BRICS nations and China, the BRICS countries’ roles in the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as connections BRICS are making with international organizations.

As part of Xiamen's series of themed training to prepare for the 9th BRICS Summit , the class aimed to help relevant departments know about BRICS, broaden their vision and improve their services for the event.

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